英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:57:26
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

settle on在线翻译


1. become fixed (on)

e.g. Her eyes fixated on a point on the horizon

Synonym: fixate

1. settle on什么意思

1. 定居(短暂停留):27. settle in(使)习惯(环境等) | 28. settle on定居(短暂停留) | 50. Point out指出

2. settle on什么意思

2. 决定:embrace 拥抱 | settle on 决定 | settle up 还清债务

3. 决定;选定:4539settle in在新居安顿下来;适应新环境(或新工作) | 4540settle on决定;选定 | 4542seven七


4. 选定:15.recess n.[美]课间休息 | 16.settle on选定 | 17.corduroy adj.灯芯绒的

When you settle on searches you find useful, you can scan the results for items you may want to check further.(当你搜到觉得有用的结果,你可以逐条浏览搜索结果,可能会有想点进去看的。)
Blair's withdrawal 'made it easy' for the others to settle on Van Rompuy and Baroness Ashton, said Van Rompuy's spokesman.(范龙佩的发言人表示,布莱尔的退出令其他人轻松选定了范龙佩和阿什顿。)
A short time ago, people found this island and began to settle on it.(一段时间前,一些人发现了那个小岛,开始在上面生活。)
Within the photo node, any number of tags can describe the photograph, but in this example, we settle on date, locale, and comment.(在photo节点中可以使用任意多个标记来描述照片,但本例中只使用了date、locale和comment。)
We settle on the balcony, overlooking the large terrace and pool directly below.(我们在阳台上坐下,俯瞰着下面的大露台和泳池。)
They may settle on one piece of software in each category, but only after experimenting with all the possibilities.(他们会在每一类别的软件中选择其中一个,但是这在体验了所有的可能目标之后才会做出。)
Try to settle on a time when the job will be done.(尝试解决一个时间作业时,将得到伸张。)
The new arrivals stream in by the hundreds daily and settle on any available patch of dusty earth they can find.(每天数以百计的人蜂涌而入,无论地面有多脏,只要能找到都会被见缝插针的挤满。)
You must stop juggling the bus-times around and settle on a fixed timetable.(你们得把公共汽车的时间表固定下来,不要老是把行车时间变来变去。)
Many birds settle on that high tree.(很多鸟儿栖息在那棵高高的树上。)
settle on是什么意思 settle on在线翻译 settle on什么意思 settle on的意思 settle on的翻译 settle on的解释 settle on的发音 settle on的同义词